Weekly payroll is the industry standard
Do you work in the construction industry? If so, it’s a standard practice to run payroll once a week. Furthermore, if you work on federally funded or assisted projects in excess of $2,000, the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) requires weekly certified payroll.
With hh2 Cloud Services, submitting payroll for construction doesn’t need to be stressful. Our cloud-based time entry solution allows your employees to submit time from the jobsite and eliminates double entry for your payroll manager. hh2 Remote Payroll tracks employee labor time and provides you with a customizable approval process. We take time tracking a step further with our equipment time management feature, giving you control over all aspects of your time entry. hh2 Remote Payroll integrates fully with any accounting system, and our educated support team will work with you to ensure that your transition to hh2 is as smooth as possible. Eliminate paper timecards and complicated Excel spreadsheets with hh2 Remote Payroll. If you aren’t using a cloud-based time entry solution, here are seven reasons why you should make the switch to hh2 Remote Payroll today.
1. Cloud-based Technology
It’s no surprise that hh2 Cloud Services specializes in cloud-based technology, but what exactly does that mean? For your field laborers, it means they can enter and submit and approve their time from any location, whether that be on the jobsite, at the office, or anywhere else. Once time has been submitted, it is available immediately for review by your payroll manager, also from anywhere. hh2 Remote Payroll adds true mobility to your time entry processes.
2. Time Entry Methods
hh2 Remote Payroll gives you all of the tools to submit your time in the most effective way for your business needs. hh2 comes with multiple time entry methods, including daily time entry, weekly time entry, record-based time entry, and a punch clock with GPS tracking! Our daily, weekly, and record-based time entry interfaces give you the ability to code your time to jobs, cost codes, general ledger accounts, certified classes, unions, shifts, departments, and any other cost code your construction company may need for cloud-based time tracking. Our punch clock feature gives your employees the ability to track shift start/end times and record breaks, all with GPS tracking abilities.
3. Accounting Integration
With hh2 Remote Payroll, you have peace of mind knowing that we integrate fully with any accounting system. Our solutions are built with the most powerful integration platform built entirely to synchronize with construction accounting systems. We can sync your employees, jobs, cost codes, pay IDs, and other vital job cost data to our solution from your accounting system. This means that the minute a new job, child job, employee, or cost code is entered into your accounting system, it queues up to sync over to hh2 in the cloud, making it available to start coding time to.
4. Optimized for any Device
hh2 Cloud Services has you in mind. Our time entry solution allows you to code time on any device, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Our time entry solution is available as native apps for iOS and Android or through a standard web browser on any device or computer. Each interface is optimized for your device, and you can rest assured that you’ll always have the most up-to-date version of our solutions. Our apps are always free* and available in the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store. *Must have an active subscription to an hh2 solution

5. Equipment Management
In addition to employee labor time tracking, hh2 Remote Payroll also helps you manage your equipment. When a piece of equipment is used on a jobsite, the expense of using that equipment should get coded to job cost. We support coding equipment revenue to a variety of codes using weekly and daily timecards, record-based time entry, and equipment batch time entry. Each user can pick the method most appropriate for their ever-changing needs.
6. Customizable Approval Process
With you in mind, we’ve developed customizable approval processes to fit your needs. We support approval paths that can be set up on a group basis, where you have total control over who enters and approves the time each step of the way. hh2 Remote Payroll supports multiple approval types, report viewers, passive approval, and more.
7. Affordable and Risk-Free
We are so confident that you’ll love hh2 Remote Payroll, we don’t charge any signup fees. You are free to cancel at any time without penalty. To sign up, just start paying the monthly fee that is based on actual usage. The fee starts off as a base amount of $199 and scales up as you need it to.
hh2 provides the latest cloud-based solutions to our customers in the construction industry. Our products are designed to expedite your workflow to save you time and money. To learn more about hh2 Remote Payroll, or other product offerings, visit www.hh2.com or call 877-442-9327 to schedule a free demonstration.
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